What Tests Are Performed During An Eye Exam?

14 December 2022
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Eye exams are important for maintaining healthy vision. They are a comprehensive evaluation of your vision and overall eye health. During the appointment, your optometrist will perform several tests to assess your vision, check for any eye diseases or abnormalities, and determine if you need corrective lenses. Here's a closer look at the tests you can expect during your eye exam. Visual Acuity Test This test is the most well-known part of an eye exam and involves reading letters from a chart. Read More 

When Does A Wound Need Stitches?

7 October 2022
 Categories: , Blog

If you have ever been cut or had a minor injury that seemed serious, you are likely going to need stitches. In some cases, you may be able to clean the injury and bandage it. In other cases, it may be questionable whether or not you need to go to urgent care for stitches. If you are not sure whether or not you need stitches, consider the following questions: Will the Bleeding Stop? Read More 

Top Things You Should Know About Occupational Health Screenings When Looking For A Job

18 August 2022
 Categories: , Blog

If you are in the process of looking for a job, you might be looking into the different types of tests and screenings that will be required of you when seeking certain jobs. You might have heard that occupational health screenings are sometimes needed for people who are trying to secure certain jobs, and you might be curious about what these screenings are and what they're used for. These are some of the top things that you should know about occupational health screenings when you're looking for a job. Read More 

What Should Patients Know About Holistic Medical Treatments?

20 June 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Holistic medicine acknowledges the fact that each individual is a whole person with thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations. Each of these factors can affect a person's health, but traditional forms of medicine often treat only the body. Holistic medical treatments can address a person's emotional and mental health, along with their physical health, to help patients make positive, lasting changes. Here are some things patients should know about holistic medicine treatments. Read More 

The Questions People Ask About Eyelid Surgery

26 April 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Many people pursue plastic surgery to address drooping eyelids. Eyelids can grow naturally weaker with age, and this means that you may want to make a change in the way you look. Drooping eyelids can also cause a variety of issues with vision and even pain or discomfort. Are you thinking about getting surgery to treat drooping eyelids? You might have some questions about the procedure and the healing process. Here's what you need to know before your first treatment session. Read More